Wednesday, April 27, 2016

A Day in the Life of Little Wooleys

One of the most difficult things I've experienced as a mom is dropping my little loves off at daycare. Matty has always been...challenging (that's a good word for it) to leave in the morning.

With our impending move to our next house, we went ahead and moved the kids to a new daycare closer to my work. I think anyone who knows me will tell you how apprehensive I was about this move! I wrestled over the right time. I struggled knowing I was going to have weeks of leaving a very clingy, upset toddler with people he didn't know. Matty was pretty attached to his old Toddlers teacher. In true toddler fashion, my Matty did not disappoint. The first day was filled with screaming "I want Mama" as I walked out of the classroom. My poor boy.

He did ultimately settle down though. Here he is with his new teacher, Ms. Sarah.

First Day Smiles
Miss Stephanie, on the other hand, had no trouble whatsoever. This little girl knows no stranger. She will reach right out, and is fairly content (as long as Mama or Daddy are in her line of sight).

One thing I love about both of the daycares we've gone to is that they send us pictures of Matty and Stephanie during the day! It eases the pain of leaving them a little bit, knowing and SEEING that they are well cared for and happy as larks!

Miss Stephanie is in the middle of cutting two teeth. She's very intent on getting that done, so she has the David Wright concentration tongue down pat.

I don't know what it is about the tongue, but #5 is intent on sticking it out any time he is concentrating or making a play. I guess it's appropriate that this 3rd baseman is Daddy's favorite player.

Here's our little Mets fan in training:

Did I mention Miss Stephanie is about to start walking?

All in all, the move to the new daycare went fairly well. It's not the place we are used to, but Matty and Stephanie are thriving, loved and happy. In the end, that's all that matters, right?

Painting with water bottles

Handprint art

Unsure...roaring, maybe?

Matty loves being outside. He's going to love having his own swing set!

First week and reading already!

Working on those teeth!

What. A. Cutie. (And such adorable leg warmers. Yes, they have knee pads.)

Look at me! I'm standing!!

Even babies get to fingerpaint.

Hey readers, what book should I pick?
Coming next time...a house update. Stay tuned!