I'm sure in the first few weeks after we had Matty I had this glossed over, deer-in-the-headlights look. What was I doing? Am I making the right decision? Was I about to screw up my kid for life? I don't think I ever "freaked out," but I do remember thinking: "I wish someone would have told me about this!"
In that spirit, here is my list of the 10 things no one tells new parents.
Babies eat a lot. And often. Sometimes around the clock.
(Note to new parents: THIS IS NORMAL!)
I fully admit, I did not take a breastfeeding class. To be honest, I didn't think I'd be successful at it. And I didn't think I would really take to it. I was wrong on both counts. I LOVE breastfeeding and definitely am bonded to my little Matty. That being said, I wish someone had told me about cluster feeding. I remember the week Matty got home he cried and cried, and seemed to want to eat ALL the time. I was exclusively pumping at the time, and Matt and I had no idea how much milk to heat up for him. I remember my mom kept saying, maybe he's hungry. But I said, he just ate 2 ounces! How can he be hungry again?! Sure enough SHE WAS RIGHT (see Mom, I said it). He was hungry and cluster feeding. Now at 4 months, there are still nights when he cluster feeds, and some when he wants to nurse all night long.
My advice to new moms (especially breastfeeding moms): this is not an indication that you are underfeeding your child. And it is no reflection on your supply -- in fact, it is helpful! Cluster feeding helps your milk to come in.
Babies cry. Sometimes they cry for no reason.
(Note to new parents: Again, this is normal. Don't freak out.)
As long as baby is fed, has a clean diaper, and not in pain, there's not much more you can do, other than hold, cuddle, and try to soothe them. Matty is currently in a fussy phase. Around 5 o'clock (his witching hour) every night, he starts crying. We can usually calm him down within half an hour, but sometimes he is just inconsolable. (Any experienced parents with tips, other than cry it out -- I'd love to hear them!)
Babies spit up...a lot.
Yes, I knew babies spit up, but to the extent Matty does sometimes. YIKES! I know he's not actually spitting up everything he eats, but sometimes it seems like it. (Did you know that sometimes that spit up looks like cottage cheese and that's totally normal?)
Babies spit up just after you've dressed them for the day and are heading out the door.
Seriously? I will have gotten my little one in the cutest outfit, and he loses his breakfast! A must for the diaper bag: a change of clothes.
(Note to new parents: It doesn't hurt to take an extra shirt for you too!)
Burp cloths are a waste of money. Invest in soft kitchen towels instead.
I love the burp cloths that I got. But now that I've used them, I know -- soft, absorbent kitchen towels are the best. See the note on spitting up a lot. There's just so much that the burp cloth can handle.
As a new mom, you will check on your perfectly healthy, sleeping baby 5-10 times a night.
It's not always the baby that is keeping you up. Sometimes it is YOU keeping yourself up. After I put Matty to bed, I find myself getting up, walking to his pack-and-play, and checking on him. Sometimes I can postpone this trip if he has sighed, made a little noise, or tossed and turned because than I know he's okay.
"Sleep While Baby is Sleeping."
This is NOT always possible. There are so many other things you will find to do when the baby is sleeping other than take a nap yourself. There's the dishes in the sink. The living room floor than needs to be vacuumed. If it isn't cleaning, it is showering, eating, or even a trip to the bathroom! Babies -- at least mine right now -- demand constant attention! This is also difficult to accomplish if, like me, your child likes to cat nap several times a day rather than settling down for a 2 hour nap!
You will remain in an uncomfortable position to avoid waking your sleeping baby.
I can't count the number of times I've found myself in the most uncomfortable position on the sofa holding Matty while he sleeps. Sometimes he sprawls out across my lap. (He has done this since birth.) I can go nowhere. I can't reach the switch to turn the fan on or off. The blanket is just out of reach, and I'd rather sit and shiver for an hour than risk waking him up.
Babies (newborns) don't need a lot, other than onesies.
You will go through several onesies a day. (see above regarding the spit up) You won't be going anywhere for the first few weeks, so those cute newborn outfits aren't necessary. If your child is like mine, shoes aren't necessary either. We have several pair of shoes for Matty -- none were expensive. But they end up in the diaper bag versus on his feet, every time we go out of the house.
You will find yourself talking to your friends about feeding, poop and sleep patterns.
Conversations change after you have kids. I noticed this awhile back with my sister and her friends. At one point they sat around talking about the guys they were dating, then they got married. Then they sat around talk about their pets, then they had kids. Once they had kids I heard them talk about aspirators, nap times, best bottles, etc. I now find myself doing that as well. Sometimes I'll be texting with a friend and Matt will ask what we're talking about. I'm like...oh, we're talking about how Matty threw up all over me this morning four times. It's just normal conversation.
Finally, my piece of encouragement and advice. There will be times when you feel like you have NO idea what you're doing. You will question yourself, your parents, and all the great "advice" you received. You will think you are the only person whose baby is doing whatever it is that is frustrating you at the moment. Guess what...there will be times when you don't know what you're doing! And that's okay. Just remember the baby is learning too. You are not going to mess them up for life when he or she is just 3 weeks old.
I'm sure as we travel along this path of parenthood we will stumble upon other things we wish people had told us. Until then...some new pictures for you to enjoy!
Photos courtesy of my Dad
Our little munchkin is growing up so quickly!!
Coming next time...Matty's 4-month stats!
Until then...
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