Sunday, June 10, 2012

So It Begins...

That's my new mantra.

Ever since high school, I've had an up and down battle with my weight. Back then, my mom and I joined Weight Watchers and the gym right down the street from our house. And we were pretty successful. I did a good job of staying at a healthy weight throughout high school - granted taking ballet and tap classes, plus production rehearsals 5 days a week definitely helped with that! I remember being "bigger" (at least in my mind) than most of my friends in high school. But looking back at pictures, I have to admit it was in my head.

Then came college...and the dining hall food plan. I can't say honestly that I made a real effort to make smart choices when eating my freshman year of college. I gained about 20 pounds and hated my body. At the same time, while I wasn't making those smart choices, I wasn't taking advantage of the free gym the university offered to its students. I started working out again when I moved to an apartment, but it wasn't nearly what I needed to really lose weight.

My first year out of college, my mom and I joined the gym again (my apartment complex offered a free membership, so why not?!) I probably lost about 20 pounds by working out every morning with my mom. We continued the gym thing after I bought my house in Columbia...and we were pretty good at working out together. I did BodyPump and met her to ride the bike afterwards.

Then I moved to Jacksonville. A few rough years down there led to me eating whatever I could find and I only popped in and out of the workout room at work.

When Matt and I moved to Atlanta, I saw a picture of myself and was like, "whoa!" Enough is enough. We started eating healthier and I lost about 20 pounds before our wedding back in December. But then I got complacent again. I've been working out with a friend for the past two months but haven't seen the results I'd like to.

That brings me to today...

I joined the gym this morning and took my first group fitness class. Tomorrow morning, I'll be up early to take a spin class.

I know in my mind how much I want to lose, but I know you can't always go on pounds. I'll keep track with measurements and see how my clothes feel. (Hey...if I lose enough weight I'll have to go shopping! Who can say no to that??)

I want to be a healthy wife. I want to be a healthy mom.

Most importantly...

So here's to being accountable and healthy!! Stay tuned for updates!

Until next time...

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