Saturday, March 22, 2014

Three-Quarters of a Year

Whaattt? Where did the last 9 months go?

We had several firsts last month. Not all developmental -- although I have a feeling I'll be writing about a HUGE first in the next few weeks.

If you know anything about my mom, she's a huge Cars fan. She CLAIMS it is because she has to teach Lightning McQueen, Mater, and Finn McMissle to her students. Okay. I'll give her a little leeway and say yes, she probably needs to be in on the "cool" movies that her kids are watching. But it's okay mom. You can admit that you are a little bit of a Lightning McQueen fan yourself. :-)

In that spirit, Matty got his first "Lightning McQueen" car last month. Right now he pushes it around the living room, but I know he'll have a blast on it this summer! And already Matt and I know all the phrases from it. "Mater, I'm soooo glad you're here!" "See you at the race." "Whoa. Whoa. Whoa. I'm not scared of Franchesco."

A few weekends ago, I got to spend my birthday with my favorite people. Matt, Matty and my parents. We went to the World of Coca-Cola. I haven't been in probably 20 years. The only thing I really remember was all the tasting at the end of the tour. We had a great time -- and got to see the vault that the recipe for Coca-Cola is kept in. Oooooooo.

My little love

Coke Memorabilia throughout the years, and across the globe

Lynnie and Matty

The vault where the secret recipe is kept

You can look, but don't cross that line!

Matty wanted a closer look...

And he may have set off an alarm!!!

Selfie with my Matty

Daddy and Matty

My little guy figured out how to climb this past month. I am NOT happy about that, especially because I have NO idea how he got into the chair without me noticing. (Side note: the chair has now been replaced with something he cannot climb into.)

Not cool little guy, not cool

He also showed us his problem solving skills. I don't know what you think, but I'm pretty sure we're going to be outsmarted by this one.

We made our first trip to Savannah. Matty is not a huge fan of the car so thankfully Lynnie and Grandfather came over to Atlanta to make the drive with me. I appreciated it more than I can say. But Matty got to play with his cousins, Jack and Grace Anne.

And while we were there...Matty figured this out:


The Sunday Lynnie and Grandfather left we took Matty over to J. Christopher's in Woodstock. It is quickly becoming my favorite breakfast place. I let Matty have his first taste of grits. He was not a fan. I maintain it is because of the texture, NOT the taste. My child is Southern-born...he WILL like grits, no matter what his Daddy says!

"Yuck Mom!"

Matty also got some quality time with Grandfather.

"Hey Grandfather, whatcha drinking?"

"Hey! That tickles!!"

Since Matty liked the walker so much in Savannah, I figured we would benefit from having one here as well. He loves pushing it all over!

Matty saw his first St. Patrick's Day. Look at my little laddie! :-) He is part-Irish so we gave him the traditional Irish-American meal of corned beef, cabbage and potatoes. He did pretty well with it!

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Matty is still a ham for the camera (when he doesn't know it is on). He LOVES playing with his Daddy, whether it is wrestling on the floor or playing "Where's Daddy?"

This is often alternated by playing "Where's Matty?"

And because I haven't shared enough pictures of Matty over the last month, here's a few more to tide you over until my next post! :-)

Until next time...

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